Workshop Title: Whole class engagement through small group learning This workshop looks at ways of dealing with classrooms with mixed ability students. By splitting a classroom into small groups, it is easier to engage and motivate students to work on small tasks. Through this approach, students are more engaged and able to achieve higher results.
Workshop Title: 播音员训练对外汉语音教学的启示Applying the training of Putonghua Broadcasters to Second Language learners 中国高校的播音与主持艺术专业,在面向全国推广普通话的大环境下诞生,经过半个多世纪的发展,在培养应用语言学人才方面积累了大量的教学经验。该学科对广播电视播音员的语音有一套完整、系统的训练模式,包括如何正音、如何把握语调、如何通过有声语言的内外技巧表现出一定的欣赏性或实现传播意义等。此训练目的与对外汉语的语音教学有十分相似的诉求,即通过一定技术手段,力求让教学对象能说出一口规范标准的普通话。因此,将成熟的播音员训练体系引入对外汉语教学,具有一定的可行性。本文从经验主义的观察出发,结合对外汉语的教学语境,从咬字正音、轻重格式、声调与语调的表达等播音员发音技能的教学训练方面,提出其在对外汉语教学中的应用尝试。关键词:吐字归音;夸张极限法;拆分组合法;有声语言口语表达技巧
Workshop Title: All aboard – Games in the classroom Join this workshop to reinvent your classroom as a stimulating and real life environment where students get to know and support each other through playing games. It is ‘comprehensible input’ and ‘hands on’. Your classroom should be a place where improvisation is acceptable, response time is minimal and students learn how to tutor one another. The focus is on maximising the impact of limited student contact time by using playing cards, jigsaw puzzles and home-made resources to demonstrate how repetitive exercises can be fun. The aim is that students leave your classroom with enhanced inter-personal skills, more self-confidence, and a greater appreciation of Chinese culture.
Workshop Title: Effective thinking in teaching and learning Effective thinking has been valued in taxonomy such as Blooms and Marzano but what does it look like in a classroom? How do we teach effective thinking? This workshop provides teachers with skills to teach effective thinking in a sample lesson and show that effective thinking can be easily incorporated into students' learning.
Workshop Title: Teaching with Discovering Chinese Pro Discovering Chinese Pro is a complete digital secondary curriculum (accessible on both iPad and laptop) which opens up new teaching and learning possibilities. Practical examples of the how and whys of classroom application will be discussed. Workshop participants will get hands on practice in using Discovering Chinese Pro school accounts.
Workshop Title: The strategies and approaches in teaching Multi-level Chinese classes 混合型中文班的课堂教学与方法’ Teaching in the multilevel classroom is both challenging and rewarding. The teacher can “teach to the middle” and then appropriately level assigned tasks to maximise students’ learning abilities. This workshop looks at the nature of multi-level Chinese classes, the advantages and disadvantages and suitable teaching/learning strategies for such classes.
Workshop Title: Some Technological Resources for Teaching and Learning Chinese 本工作坊的专题为简单技术资源在中文教学中的使用。首先从中文的特点切入,讨论如何利用现有资源,帮助解决一些主要疑难问题,如声调、汉字、词汇、语法和阅读等,并选用一些资源举例。优先讨论的是一些好用且易得的资源,如家喻户晓的PPT,网上图像,文件处理软件等。还会介绍一些较高科技的WaveSurfer、E-stroke和其他一些新开发的移动应用软件。除了现成的资源外,也将显示一些开发性的工具,如NJSTAR,Chinese TA和Hot Potatoes等。无论科技成分的含量如何,重点不是在技术本身,而是如何在语言教学中更好地利用科学技术。
Workshop Title: “Teaching Lower Secondary with Comprehensible Input (TCI-TPRS) - Demonstration: a sample Japanese TPRS lesson” This session is an introduction to the TCI approach using Japanese as a medium of instruction. Participants will have the opportunity to get a students’ eye view of how effective teaching with comprehensible input can be. “Students” will follow the flow of teaching with this approach by observing behaviour management, acquisition of basic lexical items, basic story usage and ending with a cold character reading session. Although a real-life version of this sample lesson would normally be over several lessons, participants will be able to get an idea of the flow of a TPRS lesson. The presenter will also switch between roles as required, that is, he will interject into the “teacher’s” lesson to comment as the presenter. There will be 10 minutes at the end of the lesson for a brief discussion of what participants have experienced in the workshop.
Session 2 Workshop Title: “Intercultural capacity and understanding” in planning and classroom teaching How do we build our students’ ‘intercultural capacity’? The Australian Curriculum indicates that “learning to move between the existing and new languages and cultures is integral to language learning and is the key to the development of students’ intercultural capability”. Intercultural understanding is a crucial skill for shaping our students into global citizens so that they can function and thrive in a culturally diverse world. This workshop provides a theoretical rationale for intercultural education in language teaching and practical examples of planning and classroom teaching. Teachers are encouraged to think carefully about their pedagogy as they participate in a review of their understanding of the term “intercultural”.
Workshop Title: Board Games in CLIL teaching: An effective tool in content teaching and assessment This workshop will help participants understand how to design, create and use board games as an effective teaching and assessment tool in CLIL teaching. The participants should also gain insight and some useful tips about such games. (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Workshop Title: Uncovering some hidden Chinese traditions/culture/celebrations The ‘coming of age’ recognises a young person’s transition from childhood to adulthood. Many societies across the world celebrate this important stage in life as a part of their rituals. This workshop will present you with information about an almost forgotten Chinese Adult Ceremony which dates back to the Zhou Dynasty. Come along and enjoy this uncovered treasure.
Workshop Title: Meditation: The power to motivate and enhance learning readiness Language teaching classrooms must foster learner critical thinking. “Meditation” can not only develop learners’ motivation but also dramatically improve their learning performance. In this workshop, Feng Yi is going to share the techniques and procedures she has used in her Chinese class to develop integrated learning of language skills, but mostly to enhance learners’ readiness, feeling of responsibility and sharing.
Workshop Title: The IVECA Project – Globalising your Chinese classroom – The “Live” Classroom. Greg will outline this new initiative where a Year 8 class is matched with a Year 8 class in 内江,四川. The students communicate on a secure website/Virtual Classroom on a one-on-one basis and then meet twice using web cam during class time. They work on an agreed curriculum and collaborate on agreed topics, all via IVECA in New York (sanctioned by the U.N.) The emphasis is on intercultural communication and students communicate in Chinese and English culminating in an on-line performance/celebration.
Workshop Title: Better speaking and listening with directional gestures The power of gestures as an aide to memory and understanding is well documented. They can at the same time be used to improve the perception and production of tones. This workshop will deal with some misconceptions about tones, and give practical advice about using gestures which help learners hear tones better and produce them more accurately and more consistently.
Workshop Title: Enhancing Chinese character learning with a digital online platform Chinese characters are among the most difficult component for learners of Chinese as a second language. This workshop introduces an innovative approach – using the CKC digital online learning platform to engage students in a fun way of learning and to enhance their character recognition and reading skills.
Workshop Title: "Teaching Lower Secondary with Comprehensible Input (TCI-TPRS) - Discussion: What, Why and How” Details: Discover how TCI-TPRS students acquire language naturally through fun and interesting student-created stories and personalised questioning which encourage high engagement. Once targeted language has been acquired/ comprehended following extensive aural input provided by the teacher, learn how students are then guided to read Chinese text without pre-learning or memorising any characters. Discover that speaking and writing output, when it appears later, is spontaneous, unprepared, unforced and without many of the errors that occur with legacy teaching methods.
Session 3
Workshop Title: Creating a Multimedia teaching plan for the unit: “Eating Out” This workshop presents a practical walk-through of planning from term planner to lesson plans, resources and assessment. The presenter hopes that this workshop will give attendees time to reflect and allow creative juices flow as they revisit the fundamentals of what we do. Wendy will share samples of her students’ work so you can see the outcomes. The skills that you will re-invigorate can then be applied to other units, and be immediately used upon returning to your classroom.
Workshop Title: The application of Corpus in Chinese Teaching 语料库在汉语教学中的应用 当前汉语中介语语料库建设偏向“研究导向”,已有的、在建的开放语料库,从教学角度来看,检索都存在不少问题,应用起来比较困难。我们认为应当开展“教学导向”的语料库建设研究,使语料库建设能更好地为教学服务。 通过建设面向教学的汉语中介语语料库,并与其它教学类数据库联结起来,通过与日常课堂教学的紧密结合和适当运营,使语料、语料标注及相关程序得到动态更新,在服务教学的同时,实现语料数据的自然“增殖”,扩大语料库建设的参与面,促进语料建设的常态化,真正做到“共建共享”,以此构建一个能持续“产生”新语料的、实用化的、真正“动态”的语料库。
Workshop Title: Collaborative technology to enhance learning and assessment This presentation investigates the qualities of 21st century learning, online collaborative leadership and program redesign to inspire and engage students so they are prepared for changes in the workforce. It also covers ways educators can use technology to improve Chinese language learning and assessment, create online global peer-to-peer learning that extends beyond the classroom and develop global professional learning networks. Learn about the Connect with China Collaborative and understand how you can use blogging, virtual exchanges, Voicethreads, Padlets, Thinglink and more to encourage your Chinese language learners to create course content and digital legacies.
Workshop Topic: Intercultural understanding and IB The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The program encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. This workshop explores how this is done and achieved.
Workshop Title: Teaching Chinese Tones through Rhymes and Poems Tones are one of the most important features of the Chinese language; however, they are extremely challenging for non-native speakers to understand and master. During this workshop, the presenter will introduce her tried and proven method of teaching tones through rhythmical patterns in the form of rhyme and poem. Using this method lays the foundation so that students can progress to effective conversation which relies on confidence in use and recognition of tones.
Workshop Title: Examining task based learning. VETiS Chinese as a national curriculum standard. Chinese Applied Language Certificates are a recognised Year 12 qualification in every State. The program is also very adaptable to nearly every teaching situation. This workshop will look at how this certificate can be used in a range of school settings using tasks and CLIL methods to deliver a rich learning experience to students. This is a workshop so you can bring your own examples along. Or even better, bring along your ideas about what you would like your students to learn.
Workshop Title: Graded Readers in CFL teaching – using traditional Chinese stories to enrich learning and cultural understanding CFL teachers are faced with the lack of quality graded readers in developing language competency and interest in Chinese language. Current readers are too difficult for beginners, gaps between stages are too broad and students are not able to relate to stories written in Chinese. Through this workshop, Sinolingua would like to share information about the Rainbow Bridge Graded Chinese Readers. This reading program is designed for CLL who are starting to read short simple sentences with low word count. Smaller increment between each level and extensive same level readers build confidence and reading speed. Creative use of mythologies, folklores, classics, biographies and historical stories helps to inculcate a sense of curiosity in Chinese culture.
Workshop Title: Taking Language Assessment Online: Education Perfect - Languages in Action and Online Assessment It is becoming increasingly important to utilise effective online assessment tools. As such, Education Perfect has developed a platform, on which educators have the ability to set comprehensive and relevant assessment tasks, and use the data generated to advise the direction of their students’ learning. This workshop will give delegates an in-depth look into Education Perfect’s assessment features, as well as its Languages in Action Chinese component, and will demonstrate how Education Perfect can be used to complement your daily learning plan.
Session 4 Workshop Title: Simple games in the Chinese classroom In this workshop, a number of simple games will be introduced. The games are aimed at providing a context for students to use Chinese within the classroom in a fun manner. The workshop will attempt to be hands on in that the audience will participate in playing the simple games so as to garner a better understanding of how to implement them.
Workshop Title: Make every learning count – applying the idea of Spiral into Chinese teaching What is Spiral curriculum? How do you apply the Spiral concept into Chinese teaching? In this workshop, the presenter will be using Better Chinese Book 2 Chapter 20 "How much?" (Topic: Shopping) as an example, to look at how to apply the Spiral concept in the classroom, turning a standard bargaining conversation into a more meaningful one.
Workshop Title: 美国“明德汉语教学模式”移植过程中出现的问题与对策 American Short Term Holiday Immersion Chinese programs – issues and solutions 明德汉语教学模式与国内长期班汉语教学之间存在教学时间、教学对象、教学课型和文化体验活动等方面的不同,因此在移植过程中也会出现教学性质、教学内容、学生母语、文化背景、学生素质以及文化活动安排等方面的变化。文中简要分析了两者之间的差异并提出了相应的解决对策。
Workshop Title: Culture portfolio: formative assessment of Chinese language learners This workshop looks at how to guide students to develop a portfolio which demonstrates the extent of their growing awareness about the phenomenon of “culture”. The presenter will identify obstacles to intercultural understanding, as well as cultural differences and similarities which may give rise to potential cultural misunderstandings.
Workshop Title: The Learning Pathway: from character recognition to reading storybooks Engaging young learners in Chinese written format and teaching them how to acquire Chinese reading comprehension ability have always been a huge task and quite a journey for teachers of Chinese language. Attendees will be presented with an entire learning pathway working from “Chinese Character Alphabet”, to puzzle-up drilling basic radicals and STEM characters, from STEM characters’ applications to an extensive and connective reading ability range focusef on Graded Reading and overall comprehension of Chinese language. This material can be brought into classrooms to enable students to acquire and enhance their Chinese reading capability in a fun and systematic learning process.
Workshop Title: What you choose is the question. New generation of textbooks. This workshop is focused on helping Chinese teachers make informed choices about textbooks. New generations of Mandarin teaching strategies and methods, styles and activities require different types of textbooks, learning materials, and online resources. Several textbook series tailored for immersion and non-immersion language teaching, will be presented and discussed.
Workshop Title: Idea-sharing on “The Flipped Classroom” 关于翻转课堂的探讨 This workshop focuses on the flipped classroom. It will begin with an introduction to the theory and technicalities of this method of teaching and finish with open discussion and sharing of ideas related to the use of a flipped classroom.
Session 5
Workshop Title: 海外华人文化传承的若干问题 —--新加坡双语教育的启示 Problems with Overseas Chinese cultural heritage – the revelation of Bilingual Education in Singapore. 新加坡的双语教育,一直被认为是成功的范例,但华语目前更多的是作为少数民族语言来对待。海外华人的文化传承,面临着华族文化断层,西方价值观进入华人家庭并且地位日渐彰显等现实问题,在目前全球开展汉语国际推广与中华文化交流与传播的背景下,更好地研究和解决华人文化的传承问题,已经是一个迫切的问题,我们将从华人文化传承的主要内容与形式,华语教学与华族文化的相辅相成,华人文化的地域性和复杂性特征等方面展开研究。
Workshop Title: Storytelling – A practical approach to engage students’ Chinese Learning Research indicates that children who are frequently exposed to a wide range of stories display many positive behaviours in relation to literacy (Allison and Watson, 1994; Speaker, 2000). Storytelling is a social experience for children as they are required to interact with a story by reading it aloud or listening and interacting with the storyteller (Britsch, 1992).
In this workshop, the presenter will be sharing some of the resources and strategies that she has been using with her primary students to facilitate their overall Chinese language learning through storytelling.
Workshop Title: Components Jigsaw – teaching Chinese characters Teaching character writing has always been a challenge. Using components as parts of a jigsaw has the potential to revolutionise the quality of character writing, improve the willingness of students to write and understand the structure of characters as well as provide a meta-language for discussion of the makeup of unfamiliar characters. This workshop looks at how to implement the component approach to teaching Chinese characters.
Workshop Title: 新加坡语言政策对华语教学的影响 The Influence of Language Policy on Chinese Language Teaching in Singapore 新加坡政府长期推行“实用多元主义的多元语言政策”,汉语或者说华语教育目前更多的是作为少数民族语言来对待,新加坡的华语教学除了对华族进行华语教育外,还有非华族人群的华语教学。在新加坡华人家庭,越来越多的华人家庭的第一语言是英语。按照费什曼“代际语言差异级别表”(graded intergenerational disruption scale),新加坡的华语现状大多属于第五级或第四级,本文将通过新加坡政府公布的数据以及其他相关调查,具体讨论新加坡建国50年的语言政策对华语教学的影响。
Workshop Title: Whole class engagement through small group learning This workshop looks at ways of dealing with classrooms with mixed ability students. By splitting a classroom into small groups, it is easier to engage and motivate students to work on small tasks. Through this approach, students can be more engaged and able to achieve higher results.
Workshop Title: China Best Tours
Workshop Title: "Teaching Lower Secondary with Comprehensible Input (TCI-TPRS) - Discussion: What, Why and How" Discover how TCI-TPRS students acquire language naturally through fun and interesting student-created stories and personalised questioning which encourage high engagement. Once targeted language has been acquired/ comprehended following extensive aural input provided by the teacher, learn how students are then guided to read Chinese text without pre-learning or memorising any characters. Find out that speaking and writing output when it appears later is spontaneous, unprepared, unforced and without many of the errors that occur with legacy teaching methods.